Seven Hills Primary School

"A Place Where Everyone is valued"


In this section you'll find all the information you need to know to send your child to Seven Hills.



             THE SCHOOL DAY 

Important times in the school day
Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery) Morning Session from         8.30 -  11.30
  Afternoon Session from    12.30 -  3.15 - 3.30


We are flexible in our approach to care in Foundation 1. We offer 15 hours flexible  provision over at least three days. We also have a limited number of 30 hour places (eligibility dependent). We try to tailor this provision to the needs of our parents.


We currently offer morning and afternoon sessions and mixed places. Our current mixed sessions are Early Week mix (Full days on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday morning) and Late Week mix (Wednesday afternoon and full days on Thursday and Friday). Our 30 hour cover all sessions over the 5 days with a weekly lunchtime charge for the lunchtime cover. 


Foundation 2 (Reception) Morning Session 8.55  -  11.45
  Afternoon Session 12.45  -  3.15
KS1 Morning Session  8.50  -  12.00
  Afternoon Session 1.00  -   3.15
KS2 (Phase A and B) Morning Session 8.50 - 12.15
  Afternoon Session 1.15 - 3.15


The doors are opened for children at 8.45am and are closed at 8.50am ready for registration.