Seven Hills Primary School

"A Place Where Everyone is valued"

Admissions to Main School

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Entry into Reception Class

Applications for places are dealt with by the local authority, Leeds City Council. We have 1 intake per year in the Autumn term and Reception pupils are normally admitted to school in the September following their 4th birthday. Applications for places should be made directly to Leeds City Council and follow the council's admission process. Parents should contact the local authority with any questions or to find out about admission arrangements. Please contact school if you wish to arrange a visit to view school.               

                                                                      Click here for the Leeds City Council Reception Admissions Page                                                                 


Entry into Year 1 to Year 6

To apply for a school place please use the link provided for Leeds City Council, here you can apply to us and other local schools.

Click here for the Leeds City Council Admissions Page


Nursery Admissions

Our Nursery is a 78 place nursery. Children may start in our Nursery in the term after they are 3, subject to available spaces. Please apply directly to school for a Nursery place or to place your child’s name on the waiting list. Please note that a place in Nursery does not guarantee a place in Reception.

A Nursery Application form may be completed at the school office or can be downloaded using the link below for completion and return to the school office or send to the office email.


Nursery Application Form




Secondary School Admissions

Click here for the link to the Leeds Secondary School admissions page