Seven Hills Primary School is a community school.
The name of the governing body is ‘The governing body of Seven Hills Primary School’.
The Governing Body of any school is in place to provide both support and challenge for the school in the way it is led and managed in order to provide the best possible education to every pupil in the school - our Governing Body is no exception.
Our Governors do not tend to get involved with the daily running of the school but their expectations are exceptionally high in terms of the way they support and carry out their roles and responsibilities. It is the role of the Governors to monitor and work with the school leaders on the strategic planning and thinking ahead; they also ask questions and are well informed about every aspect of school life.
Our Governors share the vision and ambition as part of the leadership team (Click link for School Development Plan) for the children at Seven Hills to be the best they can possibly be both academically and socially as well as emotionally. This is embedded in the Curriculum Intent (Click link for Curriculum Intent). The governing body strongly agree that the children are at the heart of everything we do at Seven Hills.
Governors are invited to attend special days for their specific year group to which they are attached. These include special curriculum days, performances, Inspire days etc. and they also meet the member of staff responsible for their specific governor area in order for them to present what has been implemented and the current impact. (Click link for Governor Responsibilities) They are also able to provide support and challenge, as appropriate. Additionally, they are in tune with staff and pupil voice.
Governors are volunteers who give a significant amount of time over the course of the year to helping the school be the best it can possible be. They are part of the biggest volunteer workforce in the country and we thank them for their time and efforts.
The governing body consists of:
1 Headteacher
2 Parent Governors;
1 LA Governor;
1 Staff governor;
6 Co-opted Governors;
Total number of governors 11
We have a Chair of Governors and 2 Associate Governors. Our Associate Governors hold voting rights within the governor committees but not at the full Governing Body Meetings. As Deputy Headteacher and School Business Manager, they also hold strategic positions within the school.
Each governor forms part of one of three committees: Pupil Support; Resources or Teaching and Learning. (Click link for Governor Roles)
Our Governors provide support and challenge in equal measure thanks to their excellent knowledge of the school and the policies and practices. The skill set, experiences and varied interests of our Governing Body is also a strength of our school.
Resources Committee Annual Review
Pupil Support Committee - Effectiveness
Teaching & Learning Committee - Effectiveness
Our Governors
Mr. R Catherall
As Headteacher of Seven Hills Primary School for the last 12 years, it has been a privilege to be part of such a strong and caring governing body. Through acting as critical friends, our governors help to ensure that we keep everyone safe, children achieve their full potential both academically and socially and finances are managed effectively across school.
I am passionate about education and have been involved in teaching for over 30 years throughout the primary age ranges. Every day is different at Seven Hills and is always another exciting learning day both for me and the children!
As a keen sports fan, I believe in fair play, a team ethos, resilient players, enjoying a challenge and supporting each other to achieve our goals. I am proud to be part of the Seven Hills Team: ‘A Place Where Everyone is Valued’.
Mrs. M Webb
I’m delighted to join the governing body as the Vice Chair of Governors. Before retiring in August 2024, I was the deputy head at Seven Hills for 17 years and taught at the school for 34 years. My knowledge of the working of school, current policies and procedures and its challenges will enable me to provide support to the school leadership team including the governing body.
My bond with Seven Hills continues to be strong as my grandchildren attend the school and both my daughters work there. The school has played a big part in my life, and I am dedicated to the learning and continued development of pupils, staff and governors.
My main leisure activities include reading and listening to all genres of music. Coming from Liverpool I am a fan of the Fab Four but more recently find myself listening to opera, my favourite being La Traviata by Verdi.
Mrs R Dixon
I have been a teacher at Seven Hills for 10 years and joined the governing board a year ago. I am the KS1 leader and Y2 class teacher (although currently on maternity leave) but have also taught across school in KS2, teaching in years 4 and 5. I love my job and I am extremely passionate about education and supporting children to be the very best they can be. I have learned so much already during my time as a governor; it is an extremely interesting and rewarding role and I feel proud to represent and support our school in this way.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, walking the dog and spending time with my family and friends.
Mrs. S Redfearn
I have been a member of staff here at Seven Hills Primary School for the last 9 years and part of the governing body for the last 6 years. I am currently a HLTA based in year 3 and 4 but have had experience working across all key stages within school. I thoroughly enjoy being part of the governing body representing the staff in school.
After having my own children and seeing them start their school journey, I soon realized that I had a real interest in education. I decided to change direction after a 20-year career in Banking to retrain and volunteer at their school. This then led to me taking up a position here at Seven Hills. I thoroughly enjoy my job and am passionate about supporting children both academically and socially. It is an incredibly rewarding job and I am proud to be part of the Seven Hills family.
Sarah Newton
I’ve worked with school since 2019, and currently serve as Chair of Governors.
As Governors we have a key role in aiding school to ensure our children have all the opportunities to fulfil their potential, no matter their background or needs. Asking challenging questions to be that supportive critical friend, driving strategic development and achievement standards.
I worked in financial service for nearly 20 years, including in governance, and currently am the Customer Relations Manager for a rail company.
My nephew and niece attend Seven Hills so I have a vested interest in supporting school both on a personal and community level, to help our children achieve and succeed in their school careers.
.Stacey Brennan
I have a varied background working within childcare settings and have worked as a Residential practitioner for around 12 years. My role is to primarily help and support children and young people with additional needs within a residential setting. The needs of the young people can be physical disabilities, learning disabilities and autism. Supporting young people who display challenging behavior in line with their ICMP (Individual Crisis Management Plan) using therapeutic crisis intervention techniques. (Very similar to team teach) and working closely alongside other professionals and schools to achieve the best possible individual outcomes for the children within our care.
In the time I have been in my current position I have been involved in the support and care of the young people. Covering all aspects of care they may require and keeping paperwork up to date and relevant. I support and teach social and emotional skills, working alongside a varied team of professionals. I develop alongside other professionals a personalized development plan catered to each individual young person to help them enjoy and achieve.
Since having my son attend I have seen the dedication and work of the staff within school.
Andy Arnfield
I have had the pleasure of being on the School Governing Body since September 2019 as a LA Governor. I am very proud to have been appointed as Chair of Governors in September 2024. I have worked in Education for 15 years and more recently worked in the NHS for almost 20 years.
I have really enjoyed my time as a Governor and have found the experience immensely rewarding. Having a deeper understanding of the work taking place in the School has enabled me to appreciate the full value of all the staff. Working alongside the pupils has been a pleasure and a real reminder of how beautiful the creative minds of young children can be.
I have a particular interest in the emotional wellbeing of the children at school and how this underpins the School Curriculum. I enjoy reading and so being linked with the School Reading Lead has provided real fulfilment.
I would encourage everyone to consider being a School Governor. It is interesting and provides a real insight into what makes Seven Hills so special. It has certainly enhanced the quality of my life working with so many fine people and observing the pupils embracing the joy of learning.
When combined, all of this experience simply enhances the strategic running of Seven Hills Primary School. It also provides the necessary support and challenge to move our school forward in the best interests of the children, in line with Government, OFSTED and DfE guidance and legislation.
Bamidele Bode
I took interest in Education and became a Governor about 3 years ago when my daughter started Reception at Seven Hills. I was told about the vacancy during our first parent visit. I was first a Co-opted Governor and then became a parent governor. I am also a member of the Finance and Resources Committee and have recently got involved with Health and Safety in the School.
Being a governor at Seven Hills has been an amazing experience, it gives me so much satisfaction knowing that my child attends the same school where I am governor. I am also confident in the leadership at Seven Hills because I know that they put the pupils at the heart of everything that they do.
I have come from a Finance and IT background and over the last 15 years I have worked in several Banks and Financial institutions. I have very recently started working in a company that provides data analysis tool for Schools and Colleges. Being a governor has no doubt heled me even in my day-to-day life and I have had access to numerous trainings to help me perform the role effectively.
In my spare time, I love to travel, spend time with my family and socialize with friends.
Augustine Wiafe
In the previous school of my sons in Norwich, I was privileged to serve as a parent governor for a year before we moved and I found the experience both challenging and rewarding. That is why I am glad for the opportunity to serve on the Seven Hills Primary governing body.
I have been teaching physics and mathematics in mostly international schools for over 15 years and I have had several responsibilities that include: boarding house tutor, chaplain, key stage coordinator and acting principal. Prior to teaching in the classroom, I worked with the British Council in Accra, Ghana as a senior invigilator, before moving to an educational consultancy, Ace Consult and with Craft Education, an educational technology start-up.
Working with young people is something I am passionate about. I have also volunteered as a youth worker with the Scripture Union and other organizations. I am currently pursuing a master's degree in education (advanced pedagogy) with my thesis focusing on instructional design.
Seven Hills Primary is a great school with a hard-working leadership team and I look forward to making a positive contribution to the achievement of the school's vision of equipping every child to reach their full potential. I draw inspiration from the multiple perspectives provided by students, parents, teachers and colleague governors that continue to enrich my learning and expand my horizons.
In my free time, I like to read fiction and play football. I particularly love listening to music and nurture a keen interest in writing poetry as well.
Kelly Cholmondeley
I am mummy to two boys James and George, James attends Seven Hills and he is currently in Reception, my husband and I moved to Morley in 2017 and I immediately feel in love with the place, I knew then I wanted to give back to the community, so I was delighted to join the Governing body at Seven Hills.
I have worked for the prison service for 18 years; I am currently the industries manager. Part of my role is to line manage 15 members of staff, manage 5 workshops which vary from food packing to textiles and manage the work and education progress of offenders within my workshops.
As the industries manager, within the reducing reoffending function one of my main focuses is around upskilling of employability skills and education for the men in our care.
We know one of the key factors to support reducing reoffending is education, I work closely with our education providers and Ofsted to ensure we are providing everything possible to achieve positive outcomes for the men in our care.
As a Romany Gypsy, I was fortunate enough to be raised with duel heritage and benefited hugely from both, I am the Gypsy Roma Traveler rep at HMP Leeds, and I support all the men in our care who declare themselves as GRT. I believe education around different cultures to be key to help bond our communities and I have offered this support to Seven Hills within my role as governor.
If you are wondering on how to pronounce my surname, its “Chumley”
Stephanie Dalton-Politis
My name is Stephanie Dalton-Politis and I am a mum of three children. I am passionate about the school and supporting children’s learning.
I work for a law firm in conveyancing. I dedicate my spare time to fundraising for local charities when I can, I feel it is important to give back to your community where possible.