Seven Hills Primary School

"A Place Where Everyone is valued"



Keeping Children Safe at Seven Hills

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Safety is of paramount importance at Seven Hills Primary School and all governors, staff, parents and children work together in order to keep each other safe.

In addition, we keep children safe by adhering to the guidance set out in our school policies that have been agreed by our school's governing body. 

 Prevent Website Link Available Here

Domestic Violence and Abuse Safeguarding Letter

Are You Worried Someone You Know Has Been Radicalised?

Online Risks of Radicalisation

Speak Out Stay Safe


Copies of our Schools Policies are available from the School Office FREE of charge.

General Data Protection Regulations - GDPR


Health & Safety

Code of Conduct

Race & Equality Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education - KCSiE

Behaviour & Discipline

Online Safety

Safety in the Sun

Children Missing in Education - CME

Prevent Duty Guidance

Safer Working Practice - SWP


Child Protection - CP

Social Media Policy

Working Together to Safeguard Children

Guidance for Safer Working Practice